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Routing Protocols Based on WSN with Class Room Route Protocol

Neeraj *, Kanica Jangid


The wireless sensor community (WSN) is increasingly being used wirelessly in the mines due to the bendy configuration and strong flexibility. However, due to the Wi-Fi nature of the mine, WSN is facing a series of difficult situations. In this study, the milestones were set when the route contracts used within the mine were the hierarchical route. This study begins by discussing the concept of a classroom route protocol, and summarizes the key issues; then, with regard to gift issues, as well as long data transfer delays, unequal power and the rapid life cycle of society, I talk about the benefits of Wi-Fi and the barriers of algorithms to develop a variety of hierarchical protocols in combining methods from the idea of developing a collection of head selection method and control list collection. Finally, I summarize the concerns of the nerve network protocol used in mine and issue end-to-end instructions.

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