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Road Accident Detection Through Surveillance using SSD(MobileNet) and Alerting Nearby Health Centers

Bhagyashri Sonawale, Ankita Vyas, Divya Verma, Sameer Thube


Road Accidents are a very common reason for tragic deaths and the lack of emergency medical care results in death. We live in an era of technology where we are moving towards making the city, a smart city with smart AI based traffic monitoring and reporting mechanisms that can help provide medical emergencies in real time, which would result in saving lots of life. Analyzing people’s mindset and the issue of rising road accidents, this model (the Artificial Intelligence) helps the person in need without anybody getting involved. We are proposing an advanced model which can identify and detect moving objects such as vehicles in live video surveillance and predict accident based on the Velocities and Trajectories of the vehicles colliding using Centroid based tracking algorithm, reducing false alarm rate and sending alert to nearby Health Centers.

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