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Exploring the Potential of the Kotlin Programming Language for Scientific Computing with the KotlinLab Environment

Stergios Papadimitriou


KotlinLab is an easy to use MATLAB-like environment for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It implements scripting based on the Kotlin programming language. This paper shows that Kotlin Lab can significantly accelerate and simplify the development of complex scientific computer software in the JVM. The work compares Java based approaches with Kotlin ones, and illustrates the significant advantages of the enhanced flexibility of the Kotlin language. We illustrate that one of the more significant drawbacks of Java is its lack of operator overloading. Also, the nominal approach to functional programming of Java is not as flexible and convenient as the structural approach of Kotlin is. The paper presents the architecture of the KotlinLab environment, and the way that it exploits effectively the Kotlin JSR223 scripting implementation. The main concern of the KotlinLab enviroment is to exploit the potential of the Kotlin language in order to provide a rich and easy to use scientific programming environment. In this way the paper tries to highlight some important and advanced characteristics of the Kotlin language that provide important benefits to the programming experience. In particular, the Kotlin language is especially effective in building DSLs (Domain Specific Languages). At this domain, the paper illustrates the straightforward way to implement scientific operators.

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