Automatic Border Detector with Emergency Control by Interfacing GPS and GSM

K. Arun, R. Gayathri, S. Muthu Kumar, A. Harshini, S. Dhivya, Sowbarnica .


The main objective is to provide awareness to the electricity consumers about their domestic usage of electricity through the GSM. Increasing population and the development of technology leads to the over consumption of the electricity. The objective is to effectively use the electricity for domestic purposes. By developing this energy monitoring system, consumer can be able to understand the consumption of electricity. Since mobile phones is the most common gadgets among the citizens, GSM based intimation of the electricity usage of the customers will be sent to the registered mobile number. The message contains information about the voltage drop across the appliances used, current consumption of the appliances and the total usage of electricity in units will be sent through Global system for mobile. The same idea of energy monitoring can also be implemented in industry for the electricity monitoring purposes. The line voltage and the line current are continuously monitored by using voltage and current sensor respectively, and the energy is calculated using Arduino microcontroller and the values are sent using the GSM module. The responsibility of the individual is to economically use the electricity.

Keywords: Energy monitoring, Global system for mobile(GSM), Line voltage, Line current, Arduino

Cite this Article: K. Arun, R. Gayathri, S. Muthu kumar, A. Harshini, S. Dhivya, Sowbarnica. Automatic border detector with emergency control by interfacing GPS and GSM. International Journal of Mobile Computing Devices. 2019; 5(1): 1–7p.

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