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Smart E-voting System Using Blockchain Technology

Satyam Danawale, Sumit Bathe, Pranay Jambhavdekar


Electronic voting (sometimes known as e-voting) is a voting system that involves keeping track of and precisely tallying the votes cast by users. A secure electronic voting system must prevent duplicate votes and be entirely visible while safeguarding voters' privacy. The shortcomings of the traditional voting system include the lack of vote dependability. There is no guarantee that the votes individuals cast are not tampered with before they are entered into the system. The voter and the system have no communication. We propose that blockchain technology be employed as a voting medium to alleviate all these difficulties. The benefits of employing the e-voting technology include reduced election expenses such as material, logistical, and salary costs. Politicians and management would have better access to the public's viewpoint. If a voter is unable to vote in person, he can vote remotely. As a result, it improves total attendance. E-voting can be extremely beneficial because it allows anyone to simply access the election, cast their votes, and announce their preference. People can share private hyperlinks to any produced poll with anybody who knows the link, and anyone who knows the link can vote, but only one browser can vote. In terms of voter verification, duplicate votes, and nonrepudiation of votes, the security here is pretty poor. E-voting is being explored in depth, and various systems have been tried and even deployed for a period of time. However, only a few implementations are sufficiently trustworthy and continue to be used.

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