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A Survey of Key Policy and Ciphertext Policy Attribute based Encryption on Various Security and Efficiency Parameters

Gurpreet Singh, Sushil Garg



Cloud is providing various services and out of which storage is one such credential service. Many users are gaining benefits by storing their data in cloud because cloud provides unlimited storage, High speed Computations and better convenience. But the problem arises when the user has to store some critical data in the cloud. So, a promising Cryptographic scheme called as Attribute based encryption is needed which not only is showing potential in safeguarding the data privacy in the cloud but also finding the violations in the privacy. On the basis of various Security requirements of Access control mechanisms and Functional requirements of two primary techniques named as Key Policy and Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption, a detailed survey has been conducted in this paper and various loopholes and various feature of these two techniques are highlighted in a tabular form.


Keywords: Fine Grained Access Control, CP-ABE, KP-ABE, User Revocation, Single Authority, Multi Authority

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